Thursday, 24 February 2011

Medication up to date

Today was the day that I needed to pickup all final medication in preparation for trip.  Chloroquin... huge pills and I need to take 2 tablets once weekly.... we'll see if it gives nightmares like others say.

My left arm is very sore... a double shot - Hep A and Typhoid all in one... right arm - MMR booster.  No boxing for me the next few days - and possible fever for a week too.  Boo.

2 weeks to go.  Happy Malaria Pill Friday team!

Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Getting Ready to Go

In two weeks time our mission team leaves for Bluefields, Nicaragua.  Our sponsor letter is here

We would appreciate your prayers and if you can support us financially your help is greatly appreciated.  See the link above and cheques can be given to me or mailed to our church.

Thank you!